Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2023-)
Visiting Assistant Professor (via Burnett Meyer Fellowship) at the University of Colorado at Boulder (2022-2023)
Postdoctoral Fellow at NYU Shanghai (2019-2022)
DPhil (PhD) student in Mathematics, University of Oxford (2015-2019), under the supervision of Prof. Dmitry Belyaev and Prof. Terry Lyons.
MSc in Mathematics, ETH Zürich (between 2013-2015), under the supervision of Prof. Antti Knowles.BSc in Mathematics, University of Bucharest (between 2010-2013), under the supervision of Prof. Victor Vuletescu.
Office 350E, Fretwell Building, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA.
Work on Brownian motion on the Continuum Random Tree (Aldous' Conjecture stated in 1991- the year I was born)
Work in Probabilistic Number Theory
Work in the mathematical analysis of Statistical Mechanics models
Work at the interface between Schramm-Loewner Evolutions and Random Matrix Theory
Work on deterministic Loewner Theory, Schramm-Loewner Evolutions (and its connections with Rough Path Theory)
Work in Random Matrix Theory
UNC Charlotte:
Spring 2024: Probability Theory I (graduate course, part of Qual Exams) , 'STAT 2122 Introduction to Probability and Statistics' (Fall 2023).CU Boulder:
Lector for 'Introduction to Probability and Statistics' (Fall 2022) and 'Linear Algebra for Non-Maths majors' (Fall 2022). Mini-course in 'Schramm-Loewner Evolutions' (Summer 2022).NYU Shanghai:
Lector for Calculus (Summer course 2022) and for Mathematics for Economics II (Spring 2021) (mixed-mode) for NYU New York 'Go Local' students, Instructor for Calculus (mixed-mode) (Fall 2020), Honors Analysis I (online) (Spring 2020), Linear Algebra (online) (Spring 2020), Calculus (Fall 2019).University of Oxford:
Tutor for: Numerical Analysis (Spring 2016); Stochastic Differential Equations (Winter 2017); Applied Probability (Winter 2017); Complex Analysis: Conformal maps and Geometry (Winter 2017); Continuous Martingales and Stochastic Calculus (Spring 2017); Statistical Mechanics (Winter 2017); Statistics and Data Analysis (Spring 2017, Spring 2018); Distribution Theory and Fourier Analysis (Winter 2018). Teaching Assistant for: Approximations of functions (Winter 2015); Stochastic Analysis and PDEs (Spring 2016); Complex Analysis: Conformal maps and Geometry (Winter 2017).ETH Zürich:
Methods of Mathematical Physics II (Spring 2014), Analysis I (Winter 2014), Analysis II (Spring 2013).